What's new
2024/10/17: Mr. Hung Pham (HUST) joined our lab as an intern.
2024/10/02: Mr. Nils Bernsdorf (Saarland University) joined our lab as an intern.
2024/09/30: Ms. Guannan Hu defended her ph.d thesis. congrats!
2024/04/01: Mr. Taisei Tanabe joined our lab as a 5-year course Ph.D student.
2024/03/27: Mr.Jaroslav Pesek joined our lab as an internship student from Czech Technical University in Prague.
2024/03/18: Mr.Victor Hernandez (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) and Ms.Fariba Osali (Saarland University) joined our lab as an internship student.
2024/01/10: Mr.Lucas Aubard joined our lab as an internship student from INSA Rennes, France.
2023/12/06: Mr.Alex Huang Feng joined our lab as an internship student from INSA Lyon, France.
2023/10/23: Mr.Manuel Poisson joined our lab as an internship student from INSA Rennes, France.
2023/10/01: Mr.Malte Tashiro and Mr.Huy Vo joined lab lab as Ph.D students.
2023/09/20: Ms.Raquel Molina joined our lab as an internship studuent from Technical University of Madrid, Spain.
2023/06/01: We welcome a new postdoc, Dr. Rodrigo Carnier.
2023/04/03: Mr.Ivan Donchev Kabadzhov joined our lab as an internship student from Friburg University, Germany.
2023/03/31: Dr. Ha Dao got a new position at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, congrats!
2023/03/31: Mr.Mateo Ormeno joined our lab as an internship student from UC Chille.
2023/03/10: Ms.Uyen Do joined our lab as an internship student from UIT, Vietnam.
2022/10/17: We host two internship students: Mr.Huy Pham from UIT, Vietnam, and Ms.Laura Lahesoo from TUM, Germany.
2022/10/03: Mr.Kenneth Brezinski joind our lab as JSPS summer internship student (2022/12/02).
2022/09/30: Ms. Ha Dao defended her ph.d thesis. congrats!
2022/09/30: Dr. Satoru Kobayashi moved to Okayama Univ. (tenure track assistant professor). congrats!
2022/04/01: Ms. Ha Dao got JSPS DC2 fellowship. congrats!
2022/02/28: Mr. Ismael Castell Uroz joined our lab as an internship student.
2021/11/16-2021/12/06: We hosted a Sakura-Science-Plan intern; Giny (Yu-Chen) Wang.
2021/06/21: 徳備彩人(東大), 大友一樹(東大), 小林諭(NII), 福田健介(NII), 江崎浩(東大)による研究会論文「ネットワークログデータへの自動文書ラベリングの提案」が電子情報通信学会インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 IA研究賞(優秀研究賞)を受賞しました.
2021/04/01: Mr. Ryusei Shiiba joined our lab as a 5-year Ph.D course student.
2020/06/11: Ha Dao (Sokendai), Johan Mazel (ANSSI) and Kensuke Fukuda (NII/Sokendai)'s paper "Characterizing CNAME cloaking based tracking on the web" got a best paper runners-up in TMA2020. congrats!
2020/04/03: Due to COVID19, Sylvain and Ricard left but we worked together remotely.
2020/03/24: Mr. Thieu Nguyen joined our lab as an internship student
2020/03/05: Mr. Sylvain Lapeyrade joined our lab as an internship student
2020/02/17: Dr.Patrice Abry (CNRS/ENS-Lyon) visited our lab for a week.
2020/02/03: Two internship students (Mr. Bernhard Degan and Mr. Richard Jerry) joined our lab.
2019/10/01: Ms. Dao Ha Thi Thu joined our lab as a Ph.D candidate.
2019/09/27: Phan Xuan Thien (Sokendai) got his Ph.D. Congrats!
2019/07/08-26: We hosted three Sakura-Science-Plan interns; Qianjun Zheng (USTC), Dongpu Li (USTC), and Qiming Zheng (SJTU)
2019/06/06: 新津雄大(東大), 小林諭(NII), 福田健介(NII), 江崎浩(東大)による研究会論文「大規模IPv6アドレス収集手法の検討」が電子情報通信学会インターネットアーキテクチャ研究会 IA研究賞(優秀研究賞)を受賞しました.
2019/04/12: Prof. Olivier Fourmaux (LIP6) visited our lab.
2019/04/01: Ms. Guannan Hu joined our lab as a 5-year Ph.D course student.
2019/03/28: Romain Fontugne (IIJ), Esteban Bautista (CNRS/ENS-Lyon), Colin Petrie (RIPE), Yutaro Nomura (U. Tokyo), Patrice Abry (CNRS/ENS-Lyon/NII), Paulo Goncalves (CNRS/ENS-Lyon), Kensuke Fukuda (NII), and Emile Aben (RIPE)'s paper "BGP Zombies: an Analysis of Beacons Stuck Routes" got the best paper award of PAM 2019.
2019/03/18: A new internship student (Mr. Valnentin Gerest) joined our lab.
2019/03/14: Dr. Patrice Abry (CNRS/ENS-Lyon) visited our lab for a week.
2019/03/08: A new internship student (Mr. Pavol Mulinka) joined our lab.
2018/11/27: Yuya Yamashiro (U. Tokyo), Satoru Kobayashi (NII), Kensuke Fukuda (NII), and Hiroshi Esaki (U. Tokyo)'s poster "Approach to Better Log Template Generation" got the best poster award of IC 2018.
2018/11/27: Yudai Aratsu (U. Tokyo), Satoru Kobayashi (NII), Kensuke Fukuda (NII), and Hiroshi Esaki (U. Tokyo)'s poster "Collecting a large number of active IPv6 addresses" got the best poster award of IC 2018.
2018/11/18: A new research student (Ms. Guannan Hu) joined our lab.
2018/11/14: Sophon Mongkolluksamee (Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology), Vasaka Visoottiviseth (Mahidol University), and Kensuke Fukuda (NII)'s paper "Robust peer-to-peer Mobile Botnet Detection by Using Communication Patterns" got the best paper award of AINTEC 2018.
2018/08/30: 風戸雄太 (早大), 福田健介 (NII), 菅原俊治 (早大)による論文「DNSグラフ上でのグラフ分析と脅威スコア伝搬による悪性ドメイン特定」が第22回ソフトウエア科学会研究論文賞を受賞しました.
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